Not-For-Profit Transactions & Financings

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  • Represented a large not-for-profit organization in connection with acquisition of the programs and assets of another large not-for-profit organization, including multiple community residences for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This transaction required the approval of the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities and the New York State Attorney General.

  • Represented a large not-for-profit organization in the acquisition, development, construction and financing of a New York State Children’s Specialty Hospital in Sullivan County, New York. This transaction included closing on significant construction financing followed by permanent financing funded by the United States Department of Agriculture.

  • Represented a not-for-profit education corporation that previously operated a Jewish day school in connection with Attorney General approval of the sale of its 17-acre school campus in accordance with Section 511-a of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.

  • Represented a new psychoanalytic training institute before the New York State Education Department in connection with formation of a chartered education corporation and approval of a registered program leading to licensure in psychoanalysis.

  • Represented a New York not-for-profit corporation formed to establish an intramural lacrosse program for youth in connection with dissolution and distribution of assets to a similarly situated entity operating both intramural and competitive travel lacrosse programs.

  • Represented a not-for-profit camp in the negotiation of a settlement agreement with its sole corporate member regarding certain amounts in dispute and withdrawal of the member.

  • Represented large not-for-profit human services agency in the acquisition and member substitution of another not-for-profit corporation.

  • Represented the sponsor of a nursing home in connection with the restructuring, participation in and closing of new municipal bonds through a Bankruptcy Court Chapter 11 plan of reorganization.

  • Restructured of a Prime Credit Master Fund, creating numerous special purchases, bankruptcy remote vehicles to hold portfolio of debt of multiple debtors, creating feeder funds to invest in Master Fund, and negotiating with banks to further leverage loan portfolio.

  • Represented New York not-for-profit corporation that provided digital preservation and data management services to institutions, collections and archives in connection with its dissolution and distribution of assets. Following Attorney General approval, all assets were transferred to a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation that provides open technologies and digital solutions for libraries, museums, and universities.

  • Represented a large New York not-for-profit corporation in connection with a $35,000,000 municipal bond financing. The purpose of the bond financing was to: (i) refinance existing municipal bonds and (ii) finance the acquisition and renovations at several properties in Suffolk County to develop group homes for people with mental and physical disabilities.

  • Represented a New York City based not-for-profit corporation that transferred all of its assets, including five community residences, to its sole corporate member. The transaction required approval of the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities and the New York State Attorney General.

  • Represented a not-for-profit New York State Charter School in the acquisition of a municipal school building with tax exempt municipal bond financing.

  • Represented a not-for-profit organization in the negotiation of a municipal bond default workout, requiring New York State Attorney General approval, and the closing of a new tax exempt municipal bond issuance.

  • Represented three not-for-profit organizations in connection with change in auspice approval from the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, and transfer of ownership and operation of multiple community residential facilities.

  • Represented religious corporation in connection with Court approval of a merger with another religious corporation, and New York State Attorney General approval to subsequent sale of the merged entity’s house of worship to a third party.

  • Represented a not-for-profit mental health and substance use disorder services provider in connection with New York State Attorney General approval of its merger with a federally qualified health center.

  • Representing several not-for-profit organizations in connection with their dissolutions and distributions of assets to other not-for-profit organizations.