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Events & Seminars

Marc Hamroff Presents ELA Web-Based Seminar

Marc Hamroff, managing partner, will present a web-based seminar on behalf of the Equipment Leasing Association on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 from 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. EDT.

The seminar entitled “What Are You Financing” will outline the front-end credit decisions and back-end credit remedies concerns in the leasing of “soft” (not necessarily “software”) collateral including a discussion on the following structures: maintenance and service components bundled with leased equipment; financing of furniture, built-ins, wiring delivery and consulting services; financing of working capital; and collateral valuation among others.  The session will further identify the various methods lessors are utilizing to meet these structure demands, the pitfalls and liabilities to which improperly structured transactions can give rise, and approaches to best accomplish the financing of non-traditional equipment.

For additional information about this seminar visit:

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